The Reasons Why Eating Disorders in Women Go Unnoticed

You find that around seventy five percent of women have a bad relationship with eating. Which is contrary to what most people think that eating disorders in women is lower than that. It is essential to note that this has been as a result of some of the factors that have been building up over time. For instance, social misunderstanding and public views have made it difficult to notice when someone has eating disorder. Here are some of the points that will help us to learn more info about the things that make eating disorders in women to go unnoticed. Read more now!

One of the things that makes eating disorders in women go unnoticed is the narrow view. One thing that you should know is that the public view about eating disorder is narrow making it hard to be detected. Like most of the people think of super thin teenage girl to be suffering from eating disorders when you mention the word eating disorder. This is possible though it undermines all the other eating disorders that harm women in different parts of the globe. Being that most of us always think of that one type of person it rules out the possibility that any other type could be suffering from eating disorders.

Besides, stereotypes is another reason why eating disorders in women go unnoticed. One thing that you should know is that we have a lot of harmful stereotypes that mix into the general public view on eating disorders. Like you find that some people will think that the patient is crazy or hopeless. Others will say that eating disorders are a choice which is not true. It is essential to note that an eating disorder is a compulsion that is very hard to break away from. It is essential to note that these negative stereotypes have made us ignore other signs that might be sitting right in front of us.

Besides, it is also because of insufficient conversation. You find that there are no conversations that can help people to further their understanding on the variety of eating disorders that affect the majority of people. The bad side of keeping the disorders in silence is that it will make it hard for the people who suffer from them to come forward. As a result, they will believe that this is one thing they should handle on their own.

Apart from that, it is also caused by lack of knowledge. Meaning that when you lack knowledge on different types of eating disorders, you will not be able to know when one is suffering and how to detect them. To get more info, check out this site.